Thursday, October 31, 2019

Starbucks's Corporate Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Starbucks's Corporate Ethics - Case Study Example Sources used include company's official website and two printed books on the subject on CSR. As they say charity begins at home, Starbucks starts its CSR policy with its employees. The firm believes that employees are partners and must be treated with due respect. The company says on its website that one of the key benefits of CSR for the firm has been in the retention of its partners. Howard Schultz, the owner of Starbucks Coffee Co understands the importance of its employees. Ronald Sims in his book, "Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall" appreciates the ethical practices at Starbucks and writes: "Amazingly, Starbucks offers both full- and part-time employees equity in the form of annual stock options. In 1987, when the company was losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in its drive for expansion, he extended medical coverage for any "partner" working 20 hours or more. Paying 75 percent of the insurance premium costs Starbucks approximately $1,275 a year per worker, while hiring a new employee costs the company almost twice that amount." (p. 304) Apart from the employee relations, the firm has been integrating CSR into its operation. ... The company also undertook a research to find out how much greenhouse gas emissions could be attributed to its operations. It found that only 18 percent was due to operations and the rest was due to energy use at its locations. This research however did not include Starbucks' foreign locations. Another important area of CSR at Starbucks is sourcing methods. The firm has to procure coffee from suppliers from around the world. The company has been trying to practice ethical means of procurement by buying from suppliers who are on C.A.F.E list of approved coffee-growers. By 2007, 65 percent of its coffee was being purchased from C.A.F.E approved suppliers but the company aims to make it 80 percent by 2013. These are the suppliers who are following rigorous standards for sustainability throughout the supply chain. The firm has been trying to work in harmony with the governments of coffee producing nations. Starbucks feels "these relationships must be mutually beneficial. They must also be collaborative in nature in order to advance measures and practices that contribute to the sustainable production of high-quality coffee - and sustainable livelihoods for farmers and their families." But things have not always been smooth. Starbucks famously got into an argument with Ethiopian government over trademark issues. But over time, this rift was resolved and Starbucks now enjoys a warm relationship with Ethiopian farmers. Starbucks is also involved in community building ventures in supplier nations. For example it understands that a large number of Mayan people depend on coffee for livelihood. The company has been working on educational projects in this region. "For more than a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

No topic - Assignment Example However, very often these expectations were not lived up as it not very easy for the new government to rule the country. These difficulties created new problems for newly independent state, especially if these were African states, which became independent after the long years of colonial regime. Colonizers ruled the country in their own way and it was not very easy for the new government to cope with all the problems that a newly independent country may have faced. There can be the following four main issues of the post-colonial period defined: Sovereignity and safety. The government of the newly independent states should have taken care of sovereignty and safety. This was important because the countries were created and ruled by colonizers and in the new conditions they could easily disintegrate; Propaganda of unity. The colonies created by Europeans had different culture and different languages, thus it was essential to provide national unity. People with different culture and reli gions belief had to realize that they are citizens of one country called Africa. Otherwise, the country would not be able to exist; Ethic conflicts prevention. The main principle of colonial policy was â€Å"divide and rule†. This created very difficult relations between the ethnic groups. Many of them were aggressive in their attitudes towards the other. Thus, it was important for the government to prevent further conflicts; Human services provision. Colonial regime did not prescribe satisfying basic human needs of the citizens of colonies. Colonists needed only their work and did not think about what they need. Thus, it was important for the new government to satisfy basic needs of the citizens of newly independent Africa. 2. The role of women in African nationalism creation was very interesting and it predefined their position in post-colonial society. Some scientists even argue that African nationalism managed to reach its goals at the expense of women and their subordina te position. It means that the nationalists defended women’s interests in order to attract as many people as possible to their movement. It was determined that the struggle for women’s rights was held alongside the struggle for freedom of Africa. Certainly, we can’t omit the fact that the common interests of the struggle usually overshadowed the interests of women as women were initially directed on the struggle for the interests of nationalists. Notwithstanding that nationalists defended women’s interests and talked about â€Å"motherland† instead of â€Å"fatherland†, when they talked about the â€Å"fathers† of the revolution, they still talked about men. This was primarily because most of women who took part in the revolution were uneducated. However, they managed to find the connection between maternity and the fight and turned the ability to give birth into their force. This helped them to move into politics as â€Å"birth give rs for all these men†. 3. State politics can be considered through the concepts of engagement and disengagement. There are four forms of political relations defined: state elite is engaged in regulation; state elite is disengaged due to the obstacles on the way to authority met by elite or elite retrenchment; ordinary citizens are engaged in political regulations; ordinary citizens are disengaged due to bad access to power. The disengagement from the state threatens the hegemony of the state. People do not trust their state and want to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Indias Rise in Economics and the Challenges it Faces

Indias Rise in Economics and the Challenges it Faces India is not, by a long way a regional power, let alone a global power. That it is necessary to state this obvious fact is a testament to the power of public indoctrination. There is a huge gap between India and the developed world. According to the World Bank, Indias Gross National Income (GNI) in 2009 was $793 billion, compared to the USs $12.95 trillion. India, with 17 per cent of the worlds population, accounts for less than 1.7 per cent of the worlds income. Thus Indias per capita GNI was $1180, compared to the USs nearly $47,240. Even South Koreas per capita GNI was over $19,880. Indias situation is slightly better in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) but even Indias PPP per capita income is ranked 154th in the world  [1]  . For all the rosy projections of rapid growth by India and other Asian countries by 2020, the USs National Intelligence Council admits that per capita income in most (Asian) countries will not compare to those of Western nations. Human Development The situation is far worse in terms of human development. In the UNs Human Development Index, this claims to be a composite of various factors, such as health, education and income, India ranks 119th among 175 countries. Indias under-five mortality rate per 1,000 live births is 69, that is, one in fourteen children die before the age of five. Its maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births is 230, compared to 38 for China  [2]  . We are constantly told that poverty in India is declining, and a great industry has sprung up of academic treatises to show how fast poverty is declining. However, these treatises have reduced poverty by defining the term so that it no longer relates to whether or not people get their minimum requirements of calories. The official National Sample Survey of 2005 revealed that three-fourths of Indias rural population and half the urban population did not get the minimum recommended calories. This is confirmed by nutritional and health surveys, which reveal the following: more than two-fifths of the adult population suffer from chronic energy deficiency, and a large percentage are at the border of this condition; half Indias women are anaemic; half its children can be clinically defined as malnourished (stunted, wasting, or both). Within India half of our rural population or over 350 million people are below the average food energy intake of SSA (Sub-Saharan Africa) countries.  [3]   Poverty as such is not directly observed: the National Sample Survey (NSS) gathers responses to a questionnaire regarding consumption, and the poverty estimates are then derived (after making various assumptions) from this data. But the same NSS directly observes that employment growth plummeted between the last two surveys (1993-94 and 1999-2000). Now, it is virtually impossible for poverty to have declined if unemployment grew sharply, and the methodology of any study that claims poverty has fallen should be questioned. The sector of the countrys economy has seen breakneck growth in the past decade: the provision of software services and business process outsourcing services to foreign (principally US) firms. However, that sector accounts for 0.25 per cent of the labour force. Where are the rest? Nearly half of Indias total working-age population (15-59 years of age) is unemployed, most of it not even counted as part of the labour force. While agriculture continues to employ the majority of those considered employed, it accounts for less than a quarter of the national income, and that share continues to shrink. No Industrial Transformation National income is conventionally divided into three sectors- agriculture, industry and services. All the countries in the developed world passed from being predominantly agricultural economies to being predominantly industrial economies. It was only after industry had brought these entire economies (including their agriculture) under its sway, commodities became vastly more plentiful than in the past, and the economic surplus grew massively, that these economies could sustain growth in the share of services. Today, industry accounts for the largest share of GDP in the economies of China, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand, as much as 56 per cent in the case of China. In Indias case, however, the share of industry is low just 28.2 per cent in 2009  [4]  . Industry has never been the dominant sector of the Indian economy. Moreover, its share of GDP has not been increasing, but is stagnant or shrinking. And Indian industrys share of employment is just 17.6 per cent. Indeed, in the two commodity-producing sectors agriculture and industry one cannot find any miraculous takeoff in growth during the period of reform. But one should beware of drawing sweeping conclusions on the basis of two or even three years figures. And while the services sector has led growth over the past two decades, so that it now accounts for 54.6 per cent of GDP, much of the services sector (e.g. growth of police and armed forces, the explosion of financial sector and real estate activity) has no tangible benefit for the people at large. It is true that certain Indian firms (or Indian units of foreign firms) have attained world standards in quality of output, and with their lower labour costs may become highly competitive exporters. Glowing press reports of such units convey the sense that the Indian economy has undergone a take-off. However, these firms are generally dependent on imported capital goods and are strongly linked to export markets; they have few linkages to the rest of the Indian economy. They remain islands in the large sea of underdeveloped India. Contrast this with the transformation of the economy that would take place with the rapid development of industries catering to domestic demand for items of mass consumption. That would create demand for raw materials and indigenous capital goods, in the entire process generating huge employment and promoting indigenous technological know-how.  At any rate, India accounts for less than one per cent of world exports. High technology goods constitute ju st five per cent of its exports. Indias rapid increase in oil imports (and Indias high-profile efforts to secure long-term oil and gas supplies from abroad) is being held up as a sign of its rapid economic growth. It actually is a sign of the absence of national planning. Much of the growth in oil consumption is on account of the great boom in private automobiles. This is in turn the result of the failure of public transport, growing income inequalities, and the massive expansion of cheap credit for car purchases. Moreover, rapid growth of oil imports signifies not the growing strength but the growing vulnerability of the Indian economy. Genuine national planning would have ensured instead (i) restraint on consumption (through the expansion of railways for goods and passenger transport, expansion of public transport in cities, and a variety of energy conservation investments), and (ii) a programme of investment to develop and use the countrys oil, gas and plentiful coal resources effectively and economically. A comb ination of such measures could have greatly reduced the countrys dependence on oil imports. Instead, the share of oil in Indias energy is growing, and the share of imports in its total oil consumption is on course to reach 90 per cent or more in some years. In the last few years, large foreign capital inflows and the booming foreign exchange earnings of the IT sector have resulted in the rapid growth of the countrys foreign exchange reserves. As a result, the Government has liberalised foreign investment by Indian firms. Thus a number of Indian firms have been investing abroad, in many cases acquiring foreign firms. This phenomenon has generated considerable excitement in the business press, which point to it as further evidence of Indias new global status: now, they claim, Indian firms too are multinational corporations. Indeed, for two years, 2003-04 and 2004-05, India ran a current account surplus, which means that it was a net capital exporter. However, much as this may be good business sense for the firms which are making them; but in general they run contrary to the requirements of national economic development. India is not a capital-surplus economy, but an underdeveloped, capital-starved one, with large resources lying idle for lack of investment. It makes no economic sense to export capital from such a country. Indian capitalists may earn financial returns from their investments abroad, but such returns will give paltry stimulus to the Indian economy, whereas investment in manufacturing within the country stimulates demand, productive activity and employment in a number of sectors, with far-reaching benefits for the whole economy. India- A Knowledge Economy As part of the propaganda about Indias emerging as a global power, we are told ad nauseam that India is a knowledge economy, an information technology (IT) superpower, and the like. The truth is that adult literacy in India is just 61 per cent; on this score, it ranks 146th out of 177 countries in the UNs Human Development Index   (that is, many countries with much lower per capita income had much higher literacy levels than India for example, much of desperately poor sub-Saharan Africa). In recent years, on the recommendation of the World Bank, the Indian government has focussed its meagre education expenditures increasingly on primary education, largely abandoning secondary and higher education (as if they were a luxury). Yet official data tell us that 42 per cent of children enrolled drop out before completing primary education (I-V). Another 19 per cent, according to official data, drop out  before completing upper primary education (VI-VIII). And according to Cens us data, 43.5 per cent of the children between the ages of five and nine are not in school. More perturbing is the quality of education that is being imparted in government schools. It is so dismal that half the children in Class IV in government schools in Mumbai cannot do the arithmetic calculations required of a Class I student. When put to the test, 18 per cent of students attending Classes II to V in Andhra Pradesh couldnt do single-digit additions while only 12 per cent managed single-digit subtractions. Higher education, which the Government has increasingly abandoned to a rapacious private sector, is out of the reach of all but a small section. At any rate, the infrastructure and staff of many of the new private institutions are appalling, and thus the degrees imparted to a large percentage of graduates may not be worth the paper they are printed on. Research And Development According to the official publication Research and Development Statistics (2004-05, the latest edition), Indias expenditure on R D has been falling as a share of GDP, from 0.87 per cent in 2000 to 0.77 per cent in 2005. Let us look more closely at this R D expenditure. First, the Indian private sector does not account for much of it. According to official figures, eighty per cent of R D expenditure was carried out by the Government. This was largely not for productive purposes, but for military purposes: 32 per cent on direct military research, 21 per cent on space research (much of which actually serves the missile programme) and 12 per cent on atomic energy (much of which actually serves the nuclear weapons programme). Even allowing for some genuine space and atomic energy expenditures, at least half of R D expenditure in India appears to be for military purposes. To be able to project power, we bought Admiral Gorshkov from Russia and named her Vikramaditya. But where is the sh ip? Where is that power on high seas? Our horizon does not even show the outline of a carrier. The Arihant (the lead ship of Indias Arihant class of nuclear-powered submarines) has not been armed as yet, and we do not have an indigenously manufactured fighter/bomber. Nor do we have the Missile regime that makes the military might of a Regional Power credible. The showpieces of defence R D the Main Battle Tank project (started in 1974) and the Light Combat Aircraft project (started in 1983) have yet not been completed, and, after the expenditure of billions of rupees each, the chances of their actually being inducted into the armed forces are dwindling. For example, the air force is now in the international market for a mammoth order of 126 fighter planes, at a cost of over $6 billion. How then can we call ourselves a Regional Power? To absorb foreign technology properly (in such a fashion that one can further develop it), R D expenditures need to be multiples of technology payments. And finally, much of what passes under the name of R D in Indian industry is merely classified so for tax saving purposes, and actually consists of adaptation of products to local conditions, or even merely quality control. By conventional measures of scientific output, Indias performance is dismal. The standard database in this regard is the US-based Science Citation Index (SCI). In 1980, around 40 Indian journals were indexed in the SCI; this figure has fallen to 10, or just 0.3 per cent of all SCI-indexed journals. In 1980, nearly 15,000 scientific papers from India were indexed in the SCI; this figure fell over the next two decades to just over 12,000 (Chinas figure grew from under 1,000 to over 22,000 during the same period). Indias share of the worlds total research papers published in SCI-indexed journals was just 1.79 per cent in 2002. Finally, Indias world ranking in the SCIs citation impact (the number of times a paper is cited by others) has fallen to an abysmal 119 out of 149 countries listed. The IT sector Indias much-vaunted Information Technology (IT) sector is composed of two parts: the software sector, and the IT-enabled sector (ITES). In both cases, work that was earlier done in the developed world, particularly the US, has been outsourced, or contracted out, to locations in India. In the case of the ITES, the activities outsourced include call centres, medical transcription, data entry, ticket-reconciliation, claims processing, credit card administration, and such other routine office work as can be performed at remote locations. While this work requires knowledge of English, it does not require superior education or skills. Indeed, some of it is so mechanical and repetitive that it is in danger of being eliminated: Optical-character-recognition software is automating the work of Indian data-entry workers. Electronic airline tickets are eliminating some of the ticket-reconciliation work airlines carry out in India. Eventually, natural-language speech recognition is likely to automate some of the call-centre work that is currently going to India. Other countries too are entering the same business, particularly those once colonised by an English-speaking country: the call-centre business is booming in the Philippines.   This is obviously not high-technology or knowledge-based work; new information-and-communications technology has merely made it possible to carry out such work at remote locations. The sole reason for outsourcing such work is that wages for it in India are a fraction of those in the developed world (according to Deloitte Research, one-tenth), yielding massive savings to US and UK corporations. The jobs threatened in those countries are primarily ones that already pay low wages because they require low skills; by outsourcing to India, firms are able to drive their costs even lower. The same applies for the software sector. It is true that Indias annual production of IT engineers is larger than that of the US. However, Indian engineers are employed in relatively low-value work: the less-creative software jobs are the ones being moved offshore: bug-fixing, updating antiquated code, and routine programming tasks that require many hands. The software pyramid, shows a structure with a few thousand architects at the top, followed at successive levels of skill and pay by researchers, consultants, project managers, business analysts, and finally basic programmers. The last categories are the foot soldiers in the information economy, who write codes for applications and update and test them. It is a part of this lowest category that has been off shored, much of it to India. Indian software firms manage applications of programmes owned by multinational software giants; but Indian firms produce virtually no copyrighted programmes which are sold to a large number of customers, and earn a continuing stream of revenue. Rather, both the hardware and the software they use are imported. American investments in India, especially in new technology areas, will help American companies to reduce costs and become more competitive globally. Equally, Indias earnings from these investments will lead to increased purchases from the US. The information technology revolution is built primarily on US computer-related technology and hardware. India is thus not a knowledge economy but a low-wage economy, distinguished from other such by its colonial heritage, English. It does not command increased international status by virtue of its economic strength; rather, the publicity about its emergence as a power is an outcome of conscious US policy.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Aggressive Driving in Massachusetts :: Transportation Aggression Essays

Aggressive Driving in Massachusetts Driving in Massachusetts, doesn’t always get you somewhere. There were 141,675 motor vehicle crashes in Massachusetts in 2003. In response to the problem, Massachusetts law enforcement officials are vowing to get aggressive on aggressive driving, a growing danger in the state. â€Å"We will catch you and there will be consequences, criminal consequences, loss of licenses and even a jail term,† Col. Thomas Robbins, Massachusetts State Police warned aggressive drivers at the launch of ‘Road Respect’, a Spring Mobilization program at the Newton Police headquarters on the morning of April 4. ‘Road Respect’ is an attempt to educate Massachusetts drivers on the dangers of aggressive driving and enforce its decline. The Governor’s Highway Safety Bureau (GHSB), the State Police and over 255 local police departments are participating in the ‘Road Respect’ campaign to make it a success. Over 5,300 people suffered incapacitating injuries and 462 people died from the crashes in Massachusetts in 2003. While there was a decline in traffic accidents nationwide in 2003, Massachusetts experienced an increase of 1.9% from the previous year. â€Å"A friend of mine, Barbara Silva, a nurse at Waltham school was driving to work on Route 128 when another car suddenly cut her off. For some reason the truck ahead of [that car] braked abruptly and [the car] banged into it. She slammed into [the car]. It was a horrible accident. It could have been avoided if [the other car] hadn’t jumped lanes. â€Å"I call it a pinball game that aggressive drivers play when they bounce from one lane to the next. â€Å"It was 8 a.m. in the morning last March when it happened. [The driver] wasn’t drunk or anything and it didn’t have anything to do with the weather conditions,† said Carole Ferguson Page, a Massachusetts resident. The Massachusetts state and local police issued approximately 148,000 aggressive driving citations from 2000 through 2003. 17,950 of these citations involved a crash. The number of aggressive driving citations issued by Massachusetts state and local police increased approximately 3% during this time. Aggressive driving involves failing to yield right of way, making improper and unsafe lane changes, passing on the shoulder, ignoring traffic lights, following too closely (tailgating) and speeding. An aggressive driving citation involves two or more of these violations. Aggressive driving can also result from drunk or drug driving and distracted driving. It is hence densely woven into multiple road dangers. â€Å"Aggressive driving behavior is among our top traffic problems,† said Lt.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Costs Of Building A Zero Carbon Dwelling Environmental Sciences Essay

To province that a house is zero C the C dioxide emanations ensuing from all the energy used in the home have to be zero or better. Put merely, a zero C place uses less energy than it generates over a fit period of clip. This will include all contraptions and takes into history the onsite renewable energy installings. Presently the building industry is responsible for the ingestion of over 400 million metric tons of natural stuffs every twelvemonth ( DTI, 2006 ) . This has helped consume our natural resources, destroy home grounds and make a important sum of pollution. Many professionals have begun to defend the usage of green edifice merchandises so as to cut down the industry ‘s impact on the environment. It is recommended that the authorities should promote the building industry to follow these alterations. Surveies have shown that place proprietors are witting of the of all time altering clime alteration and are willing to alter the hereafter and their places if they can pr acticably make it. Through the usage of questionnaires every bit good as a series of interviews information was gathered from householders sing their ideas on the usage of green edifice merchandises, obstructions forestalling the alteration to zero C place, the value of Government policy, effectivity of Government action, and thoughts for the hereafter. Consequences indicated the chief obstruction to constructing a nothing C emanation home was a deficiency of environmental information, interviewees commented on how hard it was to happen out the environmental friendliness of edifice merchandises. When it came to Government policy, many indicated that their cognition of this was excessively unclear to be of usage. It was reported that on the whole the action by the Government was deficient and that it could make significantly more. Recommendations included the debut of statute law and a simpler usher to follow and understand. Keywords: Green Materials, Zero Carbon, Government Policy, Environment 1. Introduction1.1. BackgroundThe actions of the building industry have important long-run impacts upon the environment. In recent old ages at that place has been a mounting consensus within the building industry and within authorities on the demand for more and pressing action to undertake clime alteration. In the United Kingdom entirely, the building industry uses over 400 million metric tons of natural stuffs per annum and produces over 90 million metric tons of destruction and building waste per annum which is about three times every bit much as family waste ( DTI, 2006 ) . Approximately 40 % of the nursery emanations within the UK are produced by the building, activity and care of edifices ( Jones, 2008 ) . Even though the industry is damaging to the well being of the environment the industry has an tremendous part to do in bettering the quality of life for everyone and in add-on it excessively is of import to the stableness of the UK economic system as it employs around 3 milli on people, has an end product worth in surplus of ?100 billion and histories for at least 8 % of the GDP ( HM Government, 2008 ) . Encouragement for more sustainable building has been a cardinal purpose of assorted stakeholders including the authorities. Undertaking clime alteration is about more than merely turning away of environmental ruin. It can bring forth a better category of society and a stronger, more sustainable economic system. There are touchable, immediate benefits for concern. It can guarantee that our economic system emerges from the planetary diminution at the head of the technological and societal displacement that will specify the hereafter. With procuring these benefits it means recognizing the necessity of action. The full universe is engaged in a race to take down C emanations, and moving early will merely profit us in the hereafter as we will be positioned good for the new industries that are being created. Presently the planetary market for low C services and goods is already deserving over ?3 trillion per annum, and will most likely grow by half that once more by 2015. By now, about 900, 000 people work within the low C sector or its supply concatenation in the UK, non merely limited to green fabrication but in green services for illustration consultancy or low C venture capital. The usage of green edifice merchandises can accordingly play an of import portion in diminishing the overall impact of the building industry on the environment. Green edifice merchandises can take many signifiers, to province that a edifice stuff or merchandise is green merely it has to hold at least one of the undermentioned features atoxic, recycled content, resource efficient, long life rhythm, or, environmentally witting. Some stuffs and merchandises have more of these features than others and are, hence, considered â€Å" greener † . In recent old ages at that place has been an increasing consensus within the scientific community and within authorities on the demand for farther and pressing action to cover with clime alteration. With this in head the Committee on Climate Change was asked to reevaluate the Government ‘s long-run mark, to cut down C dioxide emanations to 60 % below 1990 degrees by 2050. The Government has acknowledged the Committee ‘s recommendation that the mark should be to diminish nursery gas emanations to 80 % below basal twelvemonth degrees by 2050. Planing clime alteration intercessions to be as cost effectual and efficient as possible has become of all time more of import in the current economic clime. Gaining the extenuation potency at the least cost to the economic system requires an effectual, believable and good considered policy model to present the needed emanations decreases. ( DEFRA & A ; Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2009 ) At a glimpse the Government appears to be dedicated to promoting the usage of green edifice merchandises, but it is truly excessively early to cognize whether this degree of committedness is in fact holding any influence on the attitudes and behavior of those charged with stipulating stuffs. The purpose of this survey is to find the existent cost of constructing a nothing C home, how successful the authorities has been on promoting the alterations necessary to be deemed zero C, the alterations that occur as a consequence. Before this can be achieved it will be necessary to travel over the authorities ‘s policy in full and moreover analyze the extent to which green edifice merchandises are presently specified. In add-on it will be of import here to analyze what issues prevent the usage of green stuffs and afterwards decide whether the authorities is set abouting plenty to battle these issues. The bulk of the research will concentrate on how to go zero C and the cost in making so, in add-on looking into the affects this has on Government programs. Obviously the survey can non see every subdivision of the building industry, so the survey will take to hold a broad set of positions and sentiments runing from Quantity surveyors, Building surveyors, Architects, place proprietors and Government organic structures.1.2 Research AimThe full intent of this survey was to find the existent cost of constructing a nothing C emanation home. Research Aims What are the emanations marks set by the Government, what is being done to run into these deadlines? To find what action the Government has taken so far to promote householders to take a greener option, can they make better? To analyze the sentiments of place proprietors and the general feeling towards Government policy on going zero C. What can home proprietors do to go zero C, and are they willing to pass money on these alterations? What are the advantages and disadvantages for place proprietors, the Government and the environment? Do place proprietors have the same positions as the Government? Outline Research Methodology The cardinal facet of this survey is happening out what the existent cost is for constructing a nothing C emanation brooding. A qualitative research attack has been adopted. The research is non based upon a clear theory or job and so it is non nonsubjective by nature, therefore the quantitative attack is non appropriate to the research. The first aim is to be attained through an in-depth reappraisal of the authorities policy and enterprises, whilst the other four will be achieved through the aggregation of informations, subsequent analysis and farther research, However before this takes topographic point a huge reappraisal of literature is required to bring out the cardinal theories. There are two methods of informations aggregation within this thesis, the questionnaire and the interview. The questionnaire will be employed to garner general information from a comparatively big sample of the place proprietors, whilst telephone or in individual interviews will be conducted to illicit more in-depth information from a much smaller sample. It was hoped that together, both methods would garner the best information to accomplish the purpose of this thesis and get the better of the restrictions of each method. The questionnaire is structured so that inquiries are set out into subdivisions that each relate to an aim. Respondents from the questionnaire were asked if they would be happy to take portion in an interview, either in individual or over telephone. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven respondents, they were each asked the same inquiries but were on occasion probed for more elaborate responses. The assorted statistical trials were inappropriate for the qualitative research attack employed within this thesis, alternatively information from the questionnaire was analysed utilizing the descriptive statistics methods. The findings would be used together with the interview findings to explicate any tendencies from the questionnaires. Contentss The contents of the thesis are as follows: Literature Review – Scope of chapter – Specification in pattern – Obstacles to Specification – Government Action – Summary Research Methodology – Scope – Proposal – Scheme – Design – Methods of Data Collection Data Collection Methods – Scope – Questionnaires – Interviews Datas Analysis – Scope – Method of Analysis – Data Analysis Discussion & A ; Conclusion – Scope – Discussion – Decision – Recommendations – Deficiencies/Limitations – Further Research Mentions Appendix2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 ScopeThis chapter looks to analyze a assortment of stuff in the signifier of books, articles, diaries amongst others, all of which are related to replying the inquiry â€Å" The existent cost of constructing a nothing C emanation brooding † It begins with a bomber chapter that looks to explicate what is required to hold a home nothing C. It so includes legion bomber chapters that seek to look into how much it will be to go zero C and how easy is it for householders to do the alteration. The chapter concludes with an assessment of the cardinal actions made by the Government in trying to promote place proprietors to do the alteration. The axial rotation in which the authorities plays in cut downing the C pes print and the marks that have been set.2.2 What is a Zero Carbon Dwelling?To set merely a nothing C home is one that returns to the National Grid every bit much power as it uses over the class of a twelvemonth. Unless you plan on life somepla ce with no warming, electricity or H2O, that means a zero-carbon place will necessitate to be kitted out with equipment for micro coevals, the production of energy on a little graduated table. Therefore, mini wind turbines, solar panels and a wood pellet burner for bring forthing energy are the manner frontward to accomplishing a zero C emanations brooding. Meanwhile, to maintain that cherished energy in there is demand for clever, draught excepting building with super-insulated walls, a geothermic warming system pull outing heat from the land and triple-glazed Windowss. In add-on to this there could besides be a rain H2O roll uping armored combat vehicle to provide the lavation machine and toilets and to be connected to a reed-bed sewerage system for organically cleaning human waste. The HM Treasury describes a nothing C place: â€Å" Allowable electricity † means electricity generated from a zero-carbon energy beginning designed to function the home and which is conveyed to the home, or to a sub-station connected straight to the home, by overseas telegrams used entirely for the conveyance of electricity from that beginning. A zero C place is one with ‘zero net emanations of Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 ) from all energy usage in the place ‘ . The definition encompasses all energy usage in the place this includes all energy from cooking, TVs, computing machines and any other contraptions instead than merely those energy uses that are presently portion of edifice ordinances for illustration infinite warming, hot H2O, airing and some lighting. It means that over 12 months there are no net C emanations ensuing from the operation of the home. This could be achieved either through stairss taken at the single home degree or through site broad schemes. Consequently it will non be necessary for each home to hold its ain micro coevals capacity where development degree solutions would be more appropriate. ( DCLG 2006 ) It is of import to hold the right balance, rewrite the definition to slackly and there will be small or no micro coevals this includes land beginning heat pumps as developers go for the easier path of off puting, but write the definition excessively restrictive, and the mark of accomplishing zero C places will be viewed as close impossible to run into and merely will be ignored by developers, this besides means there will be small or no micro coevals. 2.3 Why Is Becoming Zero Caron Important? The motive for alteration is simple, since the morning of clip adult male has used resources to last and in present twenty-four hours we have developed a planet that relies to a great extent on natural stuffs from the Earth. The current universe population stands at merely under 7 billion ( CIA World Fact book, 2008 ) and is turning every twenty-four hours, as it grows so does the demand for natural stuffs. Natural stuffs such as coal, gas, and oil are being used quicker than the Earth can reproduce them intending the demand for new dependable resources. Figure. Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil-Fuel ( And Cement ) Production. Even more significantly CO2 emanations rates are at an all clip high which has resulted in clime alteration, which is going more evidentiary, for illustration the winter of 2009/2010 It was the coldest December in Britain for 14 old ages, 1.8C ( 3.2F ) below norm, and the coldest in Scotland for 28 old ages, 2.1C ( 3.8F ) below norm. ( The Times, 2010 ) Climate alteration is about surely the most of import issue to confront any coevals in history. The world-wide scientific community is practically consentaneous in its understanding that clime alteration is happening, and that it ‘s our mistake. The universe needs to alter before it gets out of our control, as the effects, which are already seeable, will be ruinous. Just some of the effects are lifting sea degrees due to the thaw of the polar ice caps, holes in the O-Zone bed, more frequent and more terrible natural catastrophes, large-scale nutrient deficits, pestilences, monolithic species extinctions, unprecedented Numberss o f refugees, intensified cultural and political tensenesss, and a planetary economic depression the likes of which no 1 has of all time seen. The state of affairs is still within our appreciation, but action must be taken now, we must move together and strongly. Every person must stand up and be accounted for, companies, and authoritiess across the full Earth must make what they can to change by reversal clime alteration before it becomes excessively late. The clip has to be now as we will ne'er acquire another chance.Untjhjitled.png 2.4 Driving Towards Zero Carbon Despite the current economic and political environment, there are multiple drivers that exist for the development of low C homes. These can be loosely separated into the undermentioned three classs, concern, cultural, and legislative drivers, which are examined below: 2.4.1 Business There is a turning civilization of corporate societal duty ( CSR ) within the building industry. The importance attached to CSR was strongly illustrated in the World Wide Fund for nature study, entitled ‘Building a Sustainable Future ‘ where a study of 20 of the UK largest lodging developers revealed that 70 % study publically on their attack to sustainability and 65 % have a corporate sustainability policy in topographic point. ( WWF, 2007 ) Consequently, CSR has the possible to be a powerful driver for zero C places, as companies strive to better their environmental public presentation. Furthermore, it was stated that in transcending minimal sustainability criterions, house builders can profit from enhanced trade name acknowledgment and repute. ( Carter, 2006 ) Similarly, the WWF reported, that accomplishing high criterions of environmental and societal public presentation can be used to a developer ‘s advantage to pull clients and high quality employees. However, the building supply concatenation could hold a more profound impact on the nothing C marks. ( WWF, 2005 ) 2.4.2 Cultural Despite the fact that client demand for low C homes is presently limited, it is acknowledged as a turning market and country of involvement. ( Carter, 2006 & A ; DEFRA 2005 ) A survey carried out in 2007 by Sponge Sustainability Network found that there is a turning desire amongst the UK populace to implement more sustainable life styles. The addition in client demand is likely to carry house builders to willingly integrate sustainable characteristics into future building undertakings. It is suggested that this upward low C civilization could be built upon by authorities enterprises, either through the proviso of financial inducements ( Dobson, 2007 ) or the incorporation of sustainability factors in belongings ratings. ( Lutzendorf & A ; Lorenz, 2007 ) Favourable be aftering policies, such as Planing Policy Statement 1 ( PPS1 ) ( DCLG, 2005 ) , and bing authorities policies, such as the Energy White Paper ( DTI, 2003 ) , which are aimed at advancing sustainability within the reinfor ced environment, are apt to farther heighten the integrating of such characteristics and the encouragement of a low C civilization. In add-on, these policies pave the manner for new statute law, to which stakeholders in the edifice industry are shown to react best. ( Structural Survey, 2007 & A ; CIOB, 2007 ) 2.4.3 Legislative The chance of future statute law itself should show to be a major driver in accomplishing zero C places by 2016. ( BRI, 2007 ) It is likely that the CSH, will go statute law and is expected to be the most influential driver for house builders to construct zero C places and that those who take on a pro-active attitude will derive extended and practical cognition of low C house edifice, from which they will harvest the benefits financially by being capable of run intoing the enhanced edifice demands more cost efficaciously. ( CIOB, 2006 ) The likely debut of the CSH as statute law, aboard with the execution of Energy Performance Certificates in line with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, has been highlighted in a survey by Vorsatz etA Al. in 2007 as being highly successful in footings of decreases in CO2 emanations and cost effectivity, to the point that these steps could be the cardinal drivers for nothing C lodging. 2.5 Obstacles Against Achieving Zero Carbon? The last subdivision attempted to sketch the significance of a nothing C emanation brooding. There are a batch of alterations that have to be completed before a home can be deemed zero C, people tend to happen it hard to do alterations to a life style that they have came usage to over clip, besides this obvious obstruction there are legion others such as cost, strangeness, and These will be pointed out in this chapter. 2.5.1 Cost First it can be instead dearly-won to do any type of brooding zero C particularly if it ‘s updating current places as this involves money for something that in the bulk of place proprietor ‘s eyes is n't necessary. For bing homes, the edifice ordinances can non be retrospective but the eventual execution of Energy Performance Certificates ( EPCs ) could take to betterments being obligatory at the phase of selling any house. Currently, energy efficiency betterments to bing houses are chiefly carried out throughout rehabilitation plants as steps implemented by local governments, lodging associations and landlords to their ain homes. Individual proprietor residents may take to the option of upgrading insularity normally with the aid of grant assistance towards the outgo. The Government needs to acquire across the message and householders need to acknowledge that cut downing the C emanations on their lodging will take to higher capital costs but as a consequence will hold low er running costs. Underneath provinces several good grounds for sing a nothing C home: Lower your energy bill/consumption, Lessen our dependance on foreign oil, Preserve cherished universe resources, Follow the national and international tendency towards green life, Enjoy better wellness and wellbeing, Protect your lungs and respiratory system, Strengthen the immune systems of both yourself and your kids, Prevent/recover from chemically induced allergic reactions, Enjoy higher value and resale value of your place. Figure. What makes a nothing C place? ergteghdfgdfgdfg.png Bartlett & A ; Howard ( 2000 ) wrote that measure surveyors believed that the more environmentally friendly edifices cost between 5 – 15 % more than conventional 1s to construct. In contrast with, Lockwood ( 2006 ) studies that the market for green edifice merchandises is altering with many sustainable, non-toxic stuffs readily available at sensible monetary values and some recycled merchandises bing the same or less than conventional 1s. Spiegal & A ; Meadows, ( 2006 ) have besides highlighted that simple economic comparings show that green merchandises, particularly those with a high recycled content, are competitory for purchase and installing. On norm, premiums for green edifice merchandises are less than 2 % ( Kats, 2003 & A ; Morris, 2007 ) Never the less there is no warrant that the building industry will pay even a little addition in cost for green edifice merchandises as it frequently criticised for being focused entirely on net income ( House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee, 2006 ) . Surveies have found that the cost of a new physique nothing C home is cheaper than trying to transform an bing belongings into a genuinely green place, nevertheless it is still expensive. The estimated cost for constructing a criterion nothing C place would be within the part of approximately ?120,000 to ?140,000, in contrast to a similar sized traditional belongings which will be around ?85,000. However, that does non include the cost of land, an expensive trade good in Britain, or the developers ‘ net incomes. The basic cost of a nothing C place, with no subsidies, is non likely to be less than ?350,000 to ?400,000, with that being said one time more have been constructed you will happen that it will go more low-cost as the engineering and expertness will go cheaper. ( TIM, 2007 ) The Calcutt reappraisal of house edifice provinces that many house builders refrain from utilizing green stuffs because they find that purchasers are loath to pay more for sustainable homes ( CLG, 2007 ) 2.5.2 Unfamiliarity 2.5.3 Time 2.4 Government Policy & A ; Action It is universally accepted that decreases in CO2 emanations are needed in order to stabilise the universe ‘s clime, and that these will be dearly-won and better implemented sooner instead than subsequently. The of all time altering clime has established itself as a major issue, and to assist undertake planetary warming the UK is seting itself on a way to cut its C dioxide emanations by some 60 % on 2000 degrees by 2050, with existent advancement by 2020. ( DTI, 2003 ) This was superseded by a authorities proclamation in October 2008 for a more ambitious mark perpetrating the UK to cut nursery gas emanations by 80 % by the center of the century. ( DECC, 2008 ) This committedness will necessitate C decreases to be made by all industries. The reinforced environment histories for a big proportion of emanations, C dioxide emanations from the lodging sector have risen by more than 5 % since 1997 and account for 27 % of the UK ‘s C footmark. ( DTI, 2003 ) The authorities has as a consequence highlighted the lodging building industry as a key sector where C decreases can be made. Due to tendencies in the formation of new families and the decrease in their mean size, combined with inward migration and longer life anticipation of the population as a whole, it has been estimated that an addition of around 120,000 private-sector and 26,000 societal places per twelvemonth over present supply is needed. ( Barker, 2004 ) The UK authorities ‘s response in 2005 was to show an aspiration to increase the supply of new lodging in England to 200,000 units per twelvemonth by 2016. This means that in 2050 about 30 % of lodging will hold been built since 2006, with the balance already bing now. In add-on, in December 2006, the authorities published the Code for Sustainable Homes ( CSH ) as a tract to accomplishing zero C places in England. ( DCLG, 2006 ) The CSH sets ambitious marks for the lodging building industry, for which the existent commercial benefits and cos ts are still unknown. Action to cut down entire emanations demands to be aimed at both new physique and bing lodging, nevertheless the UK authorities has decided to take a firm stand on improved criterions for new edifices, and positively cut down emanations by that path. This is possibly because in retrospective alteration to current edifices is perceived as complicated and unpopular, as evidenced by the taking off of a demand to do energy betterments to the bing cloth together with any proposal to widen an bing edifice with a floor country of less than 1000 M2 between the first proposal ( ODPM, 2004 ) and execution ( DCLG, 2006 ) of the 2006 Building Regulations. The authorities justifies this focal point on new physique by asseverating that doing every executable cost effectual energy betterment to bing places would cut down the annual CO2 emanations in 2050 by merely 25 % of what is required intending the remainder must be achieved in new built places. ( DCLG, 2006 ) Given that this will necessitate a ll new places built between now and 2050 to run into at least low or zero C criterions, there is a instance for re-examining this inexplicit rejection of a policy of energy betterments to bing edifices. Early consequences from a present research programme to recognize ways of cutting down C emanations from bing edifices ( Anon, 2004 ) expose the technological potency for halving the emanations from bing lodging, hence there will be enough of range for deploying the sorts of loans and subsidies to bing place proprietors that make betterments that are cost effectual and are used successfully elsewhere, for illustration in Germany. ( KFW, 2007 ) 2.4.1 The Code For Sustainable Homes The Code for Sustainable Homes ( DCLG, 2006 ) aims to supply a system for developing and showing superior environmental criterions by giving place proprietors better information about the sustainability and running costs of their places. In April 2007 there was a voluntary appraisal stage in order to derive experience in the methodological analysis, taking to a compulsory evaluation demand for all new places excepting bing places from 2008. The full appraisal is a evaluation method across all the countries of sustainability, based on the Eco Homes system, ( BRE, 2006 ) but it is proposed to do merely the energy/CO2 emanations evaluation mandatary and this will work through phased alterations to the Building Regulations. Eco Homes depends on a group of independent vouchers who will measure the design and carry out a station completion cheque on the edifice. In the instance of multi place developments they will look merely at each different house type and a sample of the completed units, as this makes better usage of clip. This station completion cheque on the energy/CO2 emanations public presentation is an of import alteration from the chiefly design based appraisal mentioned above, but the Code does non discourse its nature. In common with the other dimensions of sustainability, the overall energy/CO2 emanations evaluation for the home identified as the Standard Assessment Procedure ( SAP ) evaluation will be assigned a degree. The Code degree to achieve a one-star evaluation corresponds to a 10 % betterment over the Target Emission Rate in the 2006 Building Regulations. Two, three and four stars correspond to 18 % , 25 % and 44 % betterments, severally. A five star evaluation is a 100 % betterment, corresponds to zero emanations in relation to affairs covered by the Building Regulations, this being zero emanations from heating, hot H2O, airing and lighting. The highest degree is a six-star rated place, this is a wholly 0 C place significance there is zero net emanations of CO2 from all energy usage in the place. The SAP evaluation mark can be met in a assortment of ways such as, bettering the cloth of the edifice, bettering the efficiency of illuming and infinite warming, and by utilizing lower C fuels while the Code in add-on covers the energy/CO2 emanations of a little scope of white goods like deep-freezes, dish washers, etc. While flexibleness is allowed as to how these evaluations are achieved, in exercising a scope of intercessions will be necessary, as discussed farther below. The Code notes that a six-star place will necessitate to present zero C emanations over 12 months for all energy usage in the place, cookery, rinsing and place amusement systems, every bit good a s infinite warming, hot H2O, airing and lighting. The Code gives descriptive illustrations of houses run intoing the different degrees and for a six-star place this means that energy taken from the national electricity grid would hold to be replaced by low or zero-carbon generated electricity. ( DCLG, 2006 ) The clip graduated table proposed for implementing these betterments to the public presentation of new places was to be 2010 with the minimal demand being three stars, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? has this happend in 2013 it will be four stars, and in 2016 it will be six stars. The UK authorities is hence draw a bead oning to present a wholly zero-carbon supply of new places by 2016. Some of the deductions of this are explored below, after a brief treatment of the premises implied by the proposals. Is 2016 excessively late? Will the quality of edifices be compromised? Will the wellness and safety be compromised? Ill use a Questionnaire to acquire my information Open or closed inquiries? ? ? ? ? ? Open give more item but clip devouring to make full in Closed less item but easier and easier to compare fixed replies Interview Provides the item that the questionnaires could n't give ( will stop up utilizing closed questionnaire ) ( closed merely agencies yes no replies and multiple pick ) Drumhead With the really being of the effects of clime alteration in difference ( some do n't even believe its existent ) its impossible to state. However better to be safe than sorry, merely positive can come out of it every bit long as does n't come at a cost of human life or edifice quality Use in datat findings: : : A First it can be instead dearly-won to do any type of brooding zero C particularly if it ‘s updating current places as this involves money for something that in householders eyes is n't necessary

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mentoring & Coaching Essay

Analyse and evaluate the use of Mentoring and/or coaching to support both your own and others,’ development of professional skills and knowledge. In ancient Greek mythology Mentor was the friend of Odysseus and tutor to his son. His name is well-known for a faithful and wise adviser. Today on the athletic field and in corporate offices a mentor or coach can help elevate performance. ( There are many definitions for coaching and mentoring. The commonality we can find in these hundreds of definitions of Coaching and Mentoring is that they both aim to support the Coached / Mentees (people that are in a relation with a Coach/Mentor) developing themselves in order to reach specific goals. Coaching is collaborative inquiry into the technical aspects of any activity, most often of work, as well as support for development and performance improvement. Of course, coaching applies to relationships in every setting. Mentoring provides a unique growth-oriented relationship which is the necessary context for risk taking, deep sharing, insights, and growth. Mentoring requires commitment and freely choosing to be held accountable for living out one’s intentions. It also includes coaching, but adds a wide range of strategies for discovering, supporting, and challenging personal, spiritual, and/or professional growth Both coaching and mentoring must be non evaluative, positive, and nonjudgmental if the process is to be authentic and genuine and the results are to be discovery, learning, growth, and improvement. Mentoring and coaching are an investment in another person’s success, you may have experienced this kind of empowering support from parents, a pastor, a teacher, an athletic coach, a friend, perhaps even a boss or your spouse. Often, people like these care so much about you that they will go the â€Å"extra mile† and do all they can to help you succeed. We might call this f orm of support â€Å"intuitive† mentoring or coaching because it is well meaning folks, doing the best they can, based on common sense and what they feel is best. A mentor can enter into a truly collaborative, trusting, positive, and support relationship . He can make you feel comfortable and make a person see the benefits of an open sharing of his feelings and dreams for his life, help to  learn to see oneself more objectively and how to gain the personal insights one needs to succeed, assess one’s natural tendencies and gifts and how their interactions may create internal confusion and dissatisfaction. It helps a person to set goals and develop plans and the self discipline to achieve his goals and more over he helps to solve and understand the problems and conflicts one confronts and move on. Coaching and Mentoring are then aimed to promote the development of an individual in order to be successful in the fulfilment of their tasks (at school, at work or in their personal lives), reinforc ing and strengthening their competencies and self-confidence. Coaching and Mentoring are to be considered as the two extreme of the line. Between these two extremes exists many different and flexible possibilities for support, using Mentoring and Coaching as appropriate to the situation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Leadership And Control

In order to see one’s company flourish and then grow steadily, it must have effective leadership that is tailored to the company’s needs. Leaders must be able to teach their team to perform with the company’s vision in mind while instilling the values of team work, collaborative problem solving, critical thinking, plan for and make transitions, and inspire new ideas and methods of performance. A company’s leaders should be the driving forces that lay down the foundation for what they want their employees to focus on in the business. They are the main tools to motivate others to perform. LEADERSHIP STYLE: TEAM Marketing leaderships style is that of one based a democratic foundation combined with authoritative figures used for strengthening and maintaining the company’s standard of performance. Our philosophy of leadership is that true leader’s inspire people to lead themselves. By sustaining our company’s vision of laying down a few essential principles and a clear focused goal, we leave ample room for each of our offices to increase their own ingenuity. We find this approach to be the median between the two leadership style extremes of being Autocratic or Laissez-Faire. The autocratic style may limit our employee’s sense of ownership in work performed and the valuable innovations that come from the freedom of creativity. The kick-back Laissez-Faire method of classlessness and unguided free will is too much of a risk to leave our employees with no sense of direction or standards. BUDGET: The company’s budget will be developed and over seen by our Senior Account Executive. Office managers will submit quarterly reports consisting of sales, cost of materials, production levels, and profit/loss statements. The information will be compiled by the SAE to create a tentative Profit Plan for the coming year. The budget’s Profit Plan will be managed with a traditional control system. EMPLOYEE TURNOVER:... Free Essays on Leadership And Control Free Essays on Leadership And Control In order to see one’s company flourish and then grow steadily, it must have effective leadership that is tailored to the company’s needs. Leaders must be able to teach their team to perform with the company’s vision in mind while instilling the values of team work, collaborative problem solving, critical thinking, plan for and make transitions, and inspire new ideas and methods of performance. A company’s leaders should be the driving forces that lay down the foundation for what they want their employees to focus on in the business. They are the main tools to motivate others to perform. LEADERSHIP STYLE: TEAM Marketing leaderships style is that of one based a democratic foundation combined with authoritative figures used for strengthening and maintaining the company’s standard of performance. Our philosophy of leadership is that true leader’s inspire people to lead themselves. By sustaining our company’s vision of laying down a few essential principles and a clear focused goal, we leave ample room for each of our offices to increase their own ingenuity. We find this approach to be the median between the two leadership style extremes of being Autocratic or Laissez-Faire. The autocratic style may limit our employee’s sense of ownership in work performed and the valuable innovations that come from the freedom of creativity. The kick-back Laissez-Faire method of classlessness and unguided free will is too much of a risk to leave our employees with no sense of direction or standards. BUDGET: The company’s budget will be developed and over seen by our Senior Account Executive. Office managers will submit quarterly reports consisting of sales, cost of materials, production levels, and profit/loss statements. The information will be compiled by the SAE to create a tentative Profit Plan for the coming year. The budget’s Profit Plan will be managed with a traditional control system. EMPLOYEE TURNOVER:...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Daniel Has Three Main Sections As Follows Religion Essays

Daniel Has Three Main Sections As Follows Religion Essays Daniel Has Three Main Sections As Follows Religion Essay Daniel Has Three Main Sections As Follows Religion Essay When sketching The Book of Daniel we observe that Daniel has three chief subdivisions as follows: Chapter 1 introduces Daniel, Chapters 2-7 Tells of his trials of character and the development of his prophetic reading accomplishments, and Chapters 8-12 identifies his visions refering future lands and events. The book of Daniel is the key to unlocking much of the prognostication in the New Testament book of Revelations. Many penetrations into the the clip of the terminal prognostications are dependent upon an apprehension of Daniel. Daniel s prognostication, known as Daniel s Seventy Weeks of Years , has been identified as a polar prognostication crucial to the reading of ulterior twenty-four hours prophetic events. Jack W. Hayford, General Editor of the Hayford s bible Handbook gives the undermentioned list of forthcoming events that give understanding to other hard transitions: The Messiah will return before the millennian period ( 2:31-3 ; 44-45 ; 7:13-14 ) God s land will literally be established on the Earth with the Messiah-King as swayer ( 2:44-45 -45 ; 7:26-27 ) The four metals of Nebuchadnezzar s dream image typify four imperiums: Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Macedonian-Greek, and Roman ( 2:37-40 ) The 4th land, Rome, will bask a last-day resurgence in the signifier of a united Confederacy in Europe. Out of this system the Antichrist will emerge ( 7:8, 20-21 ; 8:23 ) The False Prophet and the Antichrist are individuals, non simply a system ( 7:7-8, 20-26 ; 9:27 ; 11:36-45 ) . God will go on to cover with the state of Israel ( 9:20-27 ) 7. National Israel is the prophetic clip clock for last-day events ( 9:24 ) . 8. The False Prophet and the Antichrist will rule the last part of the last hebdomad of Daniel s Seventy Weeks of Years. At the terminal of the hebdomad, after the Great Tribulation, Jesus the Messiah will return to set up the land of God, which will decide all the prognostications of Daniel ( 9:24,27 ) . ( The prophesier Daniel has the differentiation of being listed in Ezekiel 14:14-20 as being one of three Old Testament saints noted for singular righteousness. Even though these three work forces, Noah, Daniel, and Job were in its thick, by their ain righteousness they could merely present themselves, declares the Lord God Ezekiel 14:14. Therefore Ezekiel topographic points Daniel as one of three outstanding work forces of God in the Bible. The name Daniel means God is My Judge. His life most dramatically shows that Daniel has taken his name most earnestly. He displayed a entire committedness to God and trueness to God s people even to the menace of his ain life. It is no uncertainty that this committedness and bravery was straight related to his supplication life. Even when threaten with decease for go oning to pray to the true God, Yahweh, he stayed fast the class. Daniel 6:10 describes that even when Daniel knew that King Darius had made the jurisprudence prohibiting court to no 1 other them himself he continued to kneel and pray three times toward Jerusalem as was his usage. From Daniel 9:2 we learn that Daniel was a pupil of Jeremiah. Three times daily he knelt toward Jerusalem, as was the usage until new direction were given by Christ to the Samaritan adult female in John 4:20-24, and prayed. Notice that he did non discontinue praying or making anything showy with his method of supplication. He merely refused to give and go on to pray in his normal manner. The edict of Darius did non halt Daniel from functioning God without hesitating. It was from Daniel s supplication life that we learn the secret of his ability to be consistent and non-wavering in the mist of changeless danger. Daniel was ever faithful and consistency in his supplication life. Even his enemies knew from their observations that Daniel was non a adult male of via media. He would pray and function his God, even before decease. Before every of import project He began by seeking counsel from God though pray. This sets the illustration that should be followed by all Christians. The subject of chapter 11 of the book of Daniel identifies Antiochus Epiphanes as the male monarch in Syria. Antiochus Epiphanes is the small horn in the prophesy that has already been fulfilled in chapter 8. Chapter 11:21 speaks of this despicable individual, to whom they shall non give the award of the land: but he shall come in pacifically, and obtain the land by flatteries. Antiochus Epiphanes came to power with a plan of peace. This is of historical importance when we recognize that Antioch Epiphanes is a image of the coming Antichrist. When Antiochus attacked Jerusalem in 170 B.C. over 100 thousand Jews were slain. He took away the day-to-day forfeit and desecrated the communion table with swine blood and set up an image of Jupiter to be worshiped in the temple of God. This is a image of the coming events that will happen when the Antichrist has completed the first three and on half old ages of his reign. This is the period predicted by Daniel as the center of the seven hebdomads . Chapter 11:35 is the point in Daniel where we jump from Antiochus Epiphanes to the Antichrist. We see the phrase clip of the terminal mentioning to the period of the Antichrist followed by the return of Christ and his concluding reign. In the first three and one half old ages of his reign the Antichrist will besides come in peace and look to the universe to as a Jesus. He will be a adult male of great stature, a baronial speechmaker, and bearing a magnetic character who will woe the universe with a false plan of peace to obtain the ends of Satan. At verse 30 six of Daniel Chapter eleven history terminals and prognostication Begins. And the male monarch shall make harmonizing to his will ; and he shall laud himself, and amplify himself above every God, and shall fantastic things against the God of Gods, and shall thrive till the outrage be acc omplished: for that is determined shall be done. Harmonizing to Scripture the Antichrist will suppress the follow traits: Dan. 11:36 And the male monarch shall make harmonizing to his will , Prideful He shall laud himself , Self pronounced god Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped ; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God ; proving himself that he is God. 2 Thessalonians 2:4. In Revelation 13:8 it is written And all that dwell upon the Earth shall idolize him, whose names are non written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the universe. The first three and one half old ages of the seven old ages of trial will take the lamb to butcher. His true nature docket and nature, glorified by Stan, will be exposed during the 2nd three and one half old ages. Work force of animal heads will lief follow the Antichrist and make his work until their day of reckoning. This is verified in Romans 8:7-8 were Paul writes Because the animal head is hostility against God: for it is non capable to the jurisprudence of God, neither so can be. So so they that are in the flesh can non delight God. The nature of the Antichrist is a direct duality of the nature Jesus Christ. The Antichrist, or any of his other about 35 assumed names found in Scripture, is the 1 who will convey back the Roman Empire or more suitably stated, the revised Roman Empire. The Antichrist will govern the universe as a dictator with an Fe manus while commanding the universe pecuniary and trade system. No 1 will sell or merchandise without the grade of the Beast. Bible in Chapters 2 and 7 of Daniel show the connexion between end-times prophesy and the European Union. The current European Union began as a vehicle to accomplish economic fusion in Europe after World War II. It started as the European coal and steel fusion program to convey fusion and economic promotions to post war Europe. It has since evolved into the European Economic Community and European Atomic Energy Council, with the sign language of a pact in 1957 in Rome, to the present European Union with its ain pecuniary system. Today the value of the Euro Dollar is greater that the American Dollar, which since World War II until now had been the benchmark for valuing universe currency. The prophesies in the Book of Daniel are now good established and the revived Roman Empire is approaching its adulthood. By 1986 there were 10 lasting member provinces of the European Union and more on the skyline. In 2002 the Euro Dollar was established and a incorporate currency now dominates Europe. After the constitution of the Euro, Antonio Guterres, Portuguese Prime Minister, stated, As Peter was the stone on which the church was built, so the Euro is the stone on which the European Union will be build. The revived Roman Empire is good on its manner to adulthood.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Changes in the Workplace Essay Example for Free

Changes in the Workplace Essay I believe the work environments can be positive or negative on the psychology health and workplace. The work environment has many properties that can affect both psychological and physical well-being, which is important to understand those aspects of work environments as well as identifying psychosocial characteristics of the workplace, which can affect his or her health. The first step is to create a psychologically workplace, which takes commitment and time to develop a strategy to effect changes at the workplaces to improve the health of all employees. For example: the choices that each person makes and how the individual treats his or her bodies; not only affects the individual health but also the individual mental health, which can be carried over to the workplace causing unwanted stress. Also lack of sleep making it hard to concentrate, irritated with the employees, and unable to do his or her daily tasks that the job requires, which can make the workplace more difficult. Unhealthy diet can make the individual sick and unable to complete the job that’s needs to be done, as well as mental stress that can cause more health problems. Studies on relationships between health and psychology has become more establish in recent years because researchers have provided insight into how an individual’s psychology and health. Such as the individual personalities, personal relationships, and the individual mental and biological processes are all factor in relation to health psychology, which needs to be considered when trying to maintain or to balance his or her health, is to find the correct balance of treatment choices, such as circumstances or other alternative that may be adding to the cause of physical health issues. I believe that lifestyle choices that can affect psychology and health in the workplace can be poor diet. For example: When an individual chooses to skip breakfast in the morning can have a difficult time concentrating, or become ir ritable. The individual may also develop physical symptoms such as headache, dizziness, or nauseas. When the individual becomes irritable, this can lead to lack of communication with other employees as well as loss of production on everyone’s schedule. I also believe when making poor choices can develop problems that can affect the workplace, also leads to psychological, behavioral, and physical difficulties. To enhance health and prevent illness is to improve his or her allover health, even if the changes are  small; it can make a big difference by enhancing his or her health and to prevent illness. For example: having well-balance meals that includes breakfast and a healthy diet can provide energy, which will also lower the risk of certain disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and hypertension. To maintaining a healthy body, and a health weight, is to have a healthy diet and physical activity to decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, and reducing the heart rate. However, taking care of our body is a big step toward emotional and mental health because the mind and the body are linked to each other, and when the individual improves his or her physical health, well the individual will experience greater mental and emotional well-being (Lifestyle to enhance Health and Prevent Illness). Changes in the Workplace. (2016, Oct 02).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Complex medical surgical Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Complex medical surgical - Assignment Example For this reason, the patient has been transfused packed red blood cells and commenced on normal saline and Hartmann’s solution to restore the lost volume of blood. In addition, the patient is experiencing moderate pain from the trauma of the tibia and femur. On the assessment made on assessing pain, level when the patient is at rest and with movement Ben Casey records a 4 on the scale. In order to alleviate this health condition and accord comfort to the patient the physician prescribed paracetamol tablets of 1-gram dosage to be taken 6 hourly to relieve pain. Among the identified potential health, problems according to assessment of Ben Caseys data include avascular necrosis. This will occur in areas beyond the fracture due to compromise of the internal blood supply to the bone tissue of the left tibia and femur (Ciocco 2014, p. 145). In addition, there is high potential for Ben Casey developing osteopenea of the left tibia and femur due to the disuse (Pudner 2010, pp. 204-16). This is possible due expected long period of immobilisation of the left leg together with diffuse reduction of bone density. Apart from disuse, this occurs also due to dysfunction of blood flow regulation and autonomic nervous system conduction to the site of the fracture. Apart from the local complications, other potential systemic complication due to the fracture of the femur, which is a long bone Ben Casey, is likely to develop fat embolism. Fat embolism occurs from release of fat from the injured site and into the blood stream that can be benign or get lodged in the tiny capillaries of the pulmonary, neurological, or coetaneous systems (Pudner 2010, pp. 193-99). In addition, other potential health problem includes development of infection at the surgical site due to the indwelling FG 14 bellovac drain at the femoral surgical. This is because the drain provides a communication between the linen on the outside and

Operational management in Hospitality and Tourism industry - Sydney Assignment

Operational management in Hospitality and Tourism industry - Sydney Marriott Harbour - Assignment Example The payment rates to the rooms are depended to the views as the deluxe city view rooms cost AUS$650, Bridge view rooms at AUS$750, and in accordance to technology, the E-Bundle package costs $750. The hotel further provides business clientele with Retail Therapy-city view at a cost of $810 as it comprises of a two-car parking lot and proximity to enjoyable shopping excursions in the city. The hotel’s management adapts to criterion review process and establishes that all the programs are up to the desired performances (Bushel, 2001). However, the management fails to express precise charges on its services thus; they fail to achieve trust from the clients as well, for example, charging $45 for car parks instead of the delineated $35 (Marriott, 2013). Executive summary In relevance to the issue of tourism and service delivery, hotels have continuously diversified investments by inclusion of extra services rather than diversification of investments. Since the services offered vary accordingly from provision of meals to accommodation, and other forms of hospitality, the management may consequently fail to acknowledge the importance of some of the services while trying to acknowledge those of others (Ingram & Roberts, 2000). The study established Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel as a five star with the most appropriate location and proximity to the Pacific Ocean. A review conducted upon the critical areas of interests and that would affect its credibility and value to the tourism approaches upon their comparison to the competitors (Bergin-Seers & Jago, 2007). Eventually, the study shall implicate on the challenges facing the hotel’s management as a result of failure in delivering of the desired services (Ingram & Roberts, 2000). Specifically, the tourists and other business clients boarding the hotel decry on the poor program presentation. In addition, they disguise parking prices as unethical and contrary to the desired value (Bushel, 2001). An evaluation to the values derived by visitors to the hotel record the lowest margin, which is an indication to the financial disguise of the available services and the exact charges realized after visiting the hotel (Ingram & Roberts, 2000). Description of the Sydney Marriott Harbour This five star hotel is a subsidiary of the Marriott International Inc. of the U.S.A. The Sydney Marriott Harbour conforms to the other Marriott hotels as it competitively boasts over its five star facilities, which enable it cope with the prevailing competition in the Australian hotelier industry with a major target to the tourist clientele group (Wilson, Harris, and Jennie, 2008). Despite the expressed competencies, the hotel ranks fourth in provision of quality services to the clientele community. The present competitors who mainly pose a threat to the hotel are the Hilton Sydney Hotel, Sir Stamford at Circular Quay, Quay West Suites Sydney, and the Intercontinental Sydney Hotel among others (Patiar, 2008). The hotels assume the most appropriate location as Marriott Hotel, but differ in the provision of charges. The hotel relies on the local tourists who are the main clients, while the competitors focus on the

PESTEL Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PESTEL Analysis - Essay Example The presence of mining will inflate wages and keep the exchange rate strong, which can prevent other sectors, for example, agriculture, from being internationally competitive and thus from realizing the opportunity for export-driven growth (Mining and Poverty Reduction online). The higher incomes of mine workers can lead to rising local prices-with the poor left behind; at the same time, the poor and nonmining population may have only limited access to services provided by the mine (Mining and Poverty Reduction online). The often harsh living conditions for miners in small-scale mining as well as in large-scale mining, along with the lack of information and education about prevention, can contribute to a high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other communicable diseases among miners and their families. Also, work-related injuries and health risks-lung cancer, for example-reduce the miners' life expectancy and often put families in particularly precarious situations (Mining and Poverty Reduction online). Mining activities can have a negative impact on the livelihood of indigenous people, with sociocultural conflicts surrounding the establishment of mining activities in otherwise rural areas or in the "wilderness" (Mining and Poverty Reduction online). Environmental damage can be caused by mining.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The nature of democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The nature of democracy - Essay Example Democracy as defined by Margaret Thatcher was through her policies known as Thatcherism. A simple definition of Thatcherism involves three main themes, which are; it was the peak suitable shorthand portrayal of what Conformist administrations practiced between 1979 and 1990. This ideology shows that every step these governments took had a heavy doctrinal base, and it infers that all the Conservative governments in this era were subject to their leader, Mrs. Thatcher. Gorbachev, on the other hand, was determined on restoring Soviet socialism through peaceful and democratic means. The hitch, of course, was that the Soviet economy was a deranged system that directed people and resources through state commands, threats, and the force of the Gulag (McFaul, 2002). Nonetheless, Gorbachev relentlessly strained to reform the organization, not through orders but using influence and pleas to truth and teamwork. Ronald Reagan, in support of United Kingdom, dared Gorbachev who at the time was the secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, a major participant in the cold war. Reagan believed that communist democratic system was going to split down as a symbol of Gorbachev desire to increase unrestrained freedom in the Eastern bloc of Germany restructuring and transparency processes. Thatcherism asserts to promote low inflation, the slight state and free markets through strong control of the money supply, privatization and constraints on the labor movement (Blundell, 2008). It is frequently associated with Reaganomics, which implemented policies founded on supply-side finances and encouraged a traditional liberal and laissez-faire viewpoint, in search of stimulating the economy with large, across-the-board tax cuts. Gorbachev also initiated capitalism through the laissez faire ideology. This was a major reason for the fall of communism in Russia. The inflexibilities and deceits of the Soviet economic and political organization demonstrated to be fundamentally resis tant to change, ending in the comprehensive fall of the Soviet government and economy in 1991. Capitalism backs democracy in that it takes very slight upkeep from the government for a capitalist economy to work. Capitalism undermines democracy since wealth in a capitalistic culture ultimately converts to be much lop-sided, and this culminates to a vast gap among the proletariat and the bourgeoisies. This result to the entire democratic developments being tainted by money added in the political course and the effect that money has on the politicians. Democracy and socials, on the other hand, have a curious relationship. Both of these traditions are rooted in the philosophical concept of equality (Duberstein, 2006). However, different characteristics of equality are emphasized. Democracy relates to political equality and socialism relates to material equality. From all these relationships, a deep analysis of Vaclav and Gorbachev depict the latter in their type of ideologies. Equity as a nature of democracy and capitalism was portrayed in Thatcher’s government, and she introduced various political as well as economic initiatives intended to reverse high unemployment rates and the Britain’s fights in the rise of winter of dissatisfaction and on-going downturn. Margret Thatcher’s political view and economic policies emphasized the deregulation specifically on the financial

Yarra Plenty Regional Library Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Yarra Plenty Regional Library - Assignment Example Libraries have been in the forefront in embracing the technological changes in the information society. Libraries have been the driving force in research in various fields of study. Therefore, libraries have been the biggest player on matters of education. With the recent challenges of global financial crisis, libraries are facing the challenges financial undercutting. Considering the stakes at hand, there is a strong feeling that this may have a negative impact on the economy and the community since libraries will not be in a position to fulfill their mandate. One of the strengths of libraries is that there is increased demand for knowledge than ever before and libraries are in a position to handle information both analog and digital. There is a continuous growth in world population, which is an opportunity for libraries coupled with the fact that there is more demand for information. The biggest threat to libraries is the advancement in technology. Availability of e-books on the in ternet has reduced library visits since most books can now be accessed through the websites. To solve this problem of budget cuts, the public and the government must be made to understand the importance of libraries in today’s world and the steps libraries are taking to remain relevant in this dynamic world. When you compare the libraries today and the libraries in the past half a decade, you will not fail to notice a number of new developments. These developments cut across technological changes and cultural changes. Since libraries are used by the public, adequate financing of the libraries is seen as a good move by the public. Adapting to new technological changes calls for financial sacrifices, which must be undertaken by the library management. They need to hire competent personnel to help adapt to the changes in the technological world. There is a need for procurement of new machines and new books and house them in a state of art building.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

PESTEL Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PESTEL Analysis - Essay Example The presence of mining will inflate wages and keep the exchange rate strong, which can prevent other sectors, for example, agriculture, from being internationally competitive and thus from realizing the opportunity for export-driven growth (Mining and Poverty Reduction online). The higher incomes of mine workers can lead to rising local prices-with the poor left behind; at the same time, the poor and nonmining population may have only limited access to services provided by the mine (Mining and Poverty Reduction online). The often harsh living conditions for miners in small-scale mining as well as in large-scale mining, along with the lack of information and education about prevention, can contribute to a high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other communicable diseases among miners and their families. Also, work-related injuries and health risks-lung cancer, for example-reduce the miners' life expectancy and often put families in particularly precarious situations (Mining and Poverty Reduction online). Mining activities can have a negative impact on the livelihood of indigenous people, with sociocultural conflicts surrounding the establishment of mining activities in otherwise rural areas or in the "wilderness" (Mining and Poverty Reduction online). Environmental damage can be caused by mining.

Yarra Plenty Regional Library Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Yarra Plenty Regional Library - Assignment Example Libraries have been in the forefront in embracing the technological changes in the information society. Libraries have been the driving force in research in various fields of study. Therefore, libraries have been the biggest player on matters of education. With the recent challenges of global financial crisis, libraries are facing the challenges financial undercutting. Considering the stakes at hand, there is a strong feeling that this may have a negative impact on the economy and the community since libraries will not be in a position to fulfill their mandate. One of the strengths of libraries is that there is increased demand for knowledge than ever before and libraries are in a position to handle information both analog and digital. There is a continuous growth in world population, which is an opportunity for libraries coupled with the fact that there is more demand for information. The biggest threat to libraries is the advancement in technology. Availability of e-books on the in ternet has reduced library visits since most books can now be accessed through the websites. To solve this problem of budget cuts, the public and the government must be made to understand the importance of libraries in today’s world and the steps libraries are taking to remain relevant in this dynamic world. When you compare the libraries today and the libraries in the past half a decade, you will not fail to notice a number of new developments. These developments cut across technological changes and cultural changes. Since libraries are used by the public, adequate financing of the libraries is seen as a good move by the public. Adapting to new technological changes calls for financial sacrifices, which must be undertaken by the library management. They need to hire competent personnel to help adapt to the changes in the technological world. There is a need for procurement of new machines and new books and house them in a state of art building.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cold War Essay Example for Free

Cold War Essay In the European theater of operations for WWII, the Allied victory and the Axis loss resulted in unprecedented destruction of the economy of the region. The Americans felt that the United States had a purpose to work for the revival of the European economy along the lines of political and social factors that could allow free countries to emerge (qtd. in May par. 2). The sweep of such a purpose on into a solid commitment was not perceived or hoped for at the outset. In the United States the Executive branch (including the State Department) and the US Congress were often at odds about what to do about the European economic situation. But there was agreement that the aftermath of WWII must not come to have a result in any fashion like the economic conditions that prevailed after WWI (Marshall Plan Par. 7). It was initially felt that the United States involvement in European recovery would not be costly or time consuming. It was thought that Europe and especially the United Kingdom and France with their colonies, could pull themselves back up in short order (Marshall Plan par. 4). The cold winters after the war did not help the situation. The worst winter in a century was experienced in Europe in 1946-47 (Kunz par. 5). There was high unemployment, food shortages, and strikes. In particular, the food shortages sparked humanitarian and relief efforts among various organizations. The new United Nations sponsored much of this effort and it was almost all funded by the United States (Marshall Plan par. 11). Not enough of this was organized well enough or in great enough amounts to do more than to briefly alleviate the problem. American troops in Europe also lent a hand in repair and refugee work. For the long term, the food shortages could be seen to keep on occurring since the traditional source for supplies for Western European had come from Eastern Europe (Judd â€Å"East-West Trade† par. 2). After these winters of food shortage, it was becoming apparent that a divided Europe was becoming the norm. The awareness of such a division was not generally acknowledged prior to these harsh winters. President Truman entered the United States into some bilateral agreements intending to militarily aid Greece and Turkey. These countries could be seen as being in East Europe. They were facing subversive efforts by communists to take over those countries. For Western Europe, some thought the Morgenthau Plan could be used (Marshall Plan par. 13). This plan supposed massive war reparations could be extracted from Germany to restore the countries other than Germany. There was also the Monnet Plan (Marshall Plan par. 13) which proposed more punishment of Germany since France would control the Ruhr and Saar coal regions for French purposes. On a purely monetary front the Bretton Woods agreements of 1944 established the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for loans to European nations (Kunz par. 7). The funds made available for these loans were proving to not be of the necessary magnitude. It had been assumed that the international economic system was sound and that an initial infusion of monetary aid would do the trick. But even more was needed. The American agricultural production was unimpaired, the level of manufacturing output was unprecedented, and the American gold reserves were safe. An outlet was needed to sustain and use the economic prowess of the American transition from wartime to domestic and foreign consumption. The economic plan for a reconstruction of Western Europe, if needed, could borrow from the New Deal experience as the American response to the Great Depression had been accomplished. Early in 1947, evidence of a recession brewing in the United States turned some economist’s attention to a need to assure European purchases of American goods. The Americans did not want to see continued European wartime controls and plans which had placed the idea of a continuance of control and regulation by European governments as conclusive. Many in Europe were looking to the Soviet Unions central planning controlled by the state. The Soviets were reporting very high growth rates with the prospect of prosperity just around the corner (DeLong and Eichengreen 11). The Americans had not successfully concluded a war in Europe to end fascist tyranny and oppression only to then see a different brand of tyranny and oppression in its place. This threat was perceived to be the communists, Soviet or otherwise. The Soviet influence was directly felt on Eastern Europe. The American administration felt that, for Western Europe, an economic union would be needed. These nations would have to be on the same page if they were not to go communists or be controlled by communists. Accordingly, on June 5, 1947, Secretary of State Marshall spoke of the need to promote free institutions in Europe through their restoration with American aid (Marshall Plan, par. 15).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Learning Development Plan for Masters Business Programme

Learning Development Plan for Masters Business Programme This assignment will review my Learning Development Plan for next 12 months to enable me to progress through a training program Master of business administration in a proper and organised manner. Briefly I will describe the Big picture about what is happening in the world and in the industry of my profession. Specific the Mega trends and Challenges from several dimension following with PEST analysis. In the assignment I will focus on my Goals, how I see myself in this profession, my professional values, ethics and social responsibility, socio-cultural and personal competencies, managerial and technical competencies and competencies needed. The last part of the assignment will review proposed professional development plan, SWOT analysis and formulation of strategies. At the beginning of the Reflective Essay I would like to introduce myself. I was born in the Czech Republic where I spent most of my life with my supporting and lovely family. Since my childhood I have been interested in sports, mostly in hockey and tennis and it has stayed with me until my adult age. When I was 14 years old I was nominated to the national hockey team where I spent next 4 years and I really enjoyed this period of my life and I learned how to be a team player. As the national hockey team we participated in many of the European cups. After I graduated in a College of management for business and industry in 2002 I chose an international company where I started to work as an assistant of purchaser of sports clothing. I chose the company because I have really strong connection to the sports and the position because I have been interested in the international business. While I was working there as an assistant I had very strong passion to learn more about the international business and I participated in many of training lessons about the international business. The company saw found me as an employee who has very strong passion for the job and the company had given me the opportunity to be promoted as a purchaser. On the position as a purchaser I got a lot of responsibility for my job. My main duties were to select the right products for the Czech market, prepare the purchase orders under the proposed budget, supervise the planned turnover and sales plan, work on the budget based on previous sales statistics and achievements, monitor the stocks, determinate sales prices, discounts and clearance sales, monitor competitors, negotiate contracts and policies with suppliers and analyse the market and customer needs. At this part of my duties I found myself very strong in numbers and I achieved very good results in budgeting, planning of turnovers and in choosing the products. As I mentioned I worked in the international company with the head office in Austria and I realised I was limited with my major managers in my plans and decisions and sometimes I wasnt able to enforce my ideas and I had to follow the decisions of my major managers even I knew the Czech market very well. Here I found out myself as a not enough strong employee and I was also missing the support from my boss. The next part of my duties was to coordinate with the marketing department. Our cooperation was about to visualize the company with products what we are offering to customers. The cooperation was about to prepare the plan of the marketing activities with the right products and with the combination of best quality and price. During the cooperation with the marketing department I found out that I have to learn more about the marketing principles and how to get the customer attention. In this company I worked 9 years and I really enjoyed the time. I learned a lot and I found out about me that I am very responsible person with the passion of the learning new things and for this reason I decided to improve my knowledge and skills with the study based on program Master of business administration and to improve and avoid the gaps in my path to be a successful professional purchasing manager. After the graduation in the course Master of business of administration I want to come back in to the same field purchasing. A period of greater political uncertainty has occurred in the world. The impacts on global economic growth and business performance might come from different sides of the world. The European Union is expecting the Elections in the largest Eurozone economies (Italy, Germany, and France) which can affect and threaten the existence and connection of the European Union. The migration crisis in Europe has been continuing and the opinions of the voters are more radical consequently to the migration crisis. Probably soon the Great Britany will apply for the process of the leaving the European Union. There is a question Will survive the European Union or will dissolve? after leaving the Great Britany. A divided European union will be big advantage for Russia to consolidate Russians influence in its borderlands. (ref. ; face-uncertain-times/news-story/e110b20a288ed3326576d6ec911cc000 ; 16.03.17) Americans had already voted for new president and the dramatic Elections of the new president won Donald Trump. Mr Trump promises he will back away from overseas obligations and get the rest of the world to do more across the globe. (ref. ; 16.03.17) For some reasons the year 2017 might be more difficult for investors. Importantly, the strong US economy will almost certainly result in higher official US interest rates. This will present difficulties for those countries, including Australia, that are dependent on inflows of foreign capital. For Australians, the biggest concern is an adverse impact on our major trading partner, China. Continued strength in Asian economies is particularly important for both commodity prices and the world economy because of the likely problems in the European Union. (ref. ; 16.03.17) 2017 might be a period of uncertainty. Caution will be needed. In this part of my LD plan I will focus on the industry Wholesale and Retail trade in the profession as a purchaser. The internet website have published national statistics about Wholesale and Retail trade in employment conditions. The national statistics have indicated that the job offerings in Purchasing and Supply Logistic Clerk are expected to be more than average for the next 5 years. They are talking about 25.000 50.000 job offerings. The job prospects for this occupation will be steady for next 5 years in comparison with the previous years. Purchasing is very large occupation with the availability of jobs opportunities in most regions. The proportions of full time jobs in purchasing are above average. (ref. ) PEST Analysis of Wholesale and Retail trade   Ã‚   (P)olitical The wholesale and retail trade might be influenced by political factors as tax, the stability of the country, legislations. (E)conomical The wholesale and retail trade has been influenced by the economic growth, unemployment policy, consumer confidence, inflation, interest rates. (S)ocial-Cultural environment The Wholesale and Retail trend in social-cultural environment might be influenced very strongly by lifestyle changes, demographic, population growth, living conditions, income distribution, fashion changes and foreign investment. (T)echnological environment Innovation of technology, changes in information technology, supply chain mechanism Goals I have acquired the essential experiences as a purchaser and I have had very good background of purchasing to improve my knowledge in my profession and to become a manager of purchasing. My goals I can divide in two periods such as short term goals and long term goals. In the case of the short term goals one of the goal is to continue with the study Master of business administration and to decrease my gaps of knowledge and skills for the future employment, which I found out through the LD application. Next short term goal is to be the part of purchasing in any organisation or institution in Sydney such as an employee or to get an internship in any organisation or institution. I will keep going with searching and applying for the job in the purchasing department. After graduation at APIC institution I will aim for my application of temporary residence which will make me able to work full time. With full time work rights I can get job as a purchaser or I will try to be promoted in current company. But I dont limit myself with the thought that I have to stay in Australia. I will try to apply for the manager position in other countries with the well economic stability. Every professional has to identify and acknowledge personal values. We can identify plenty of values but I will concentrate on the common values of professionals. A problem solver: as a professional in any company we have to solve a problem after next problem. A good problem solver will concentrate on the finding the right solution than to prove if she/he is right at all costs. Good problem solvers will see the problems as challenges and to experience from them. They know how to easy define the problem and they dont build the issues for others. (ref. ; 19.03.17; ; 19.03.17) Ambitious: is very strong value and can be very powerful for any organisation. Ambitious people always see new goals and they have the drive to achieve them. Transparent: the value to be transparent through the behaviour such as honest, open and direct in any conversation help to reduce the wasting of the time. (ref. ; 19.03.17; ; 19.03.17) Empathetic: I rate the empathetic value as the one of the best professional and personal values. The skill to sympathize the problems that others deal with is a character which I really admire. (ref. ; 19.03.17) Focused: if we are focused and we dont do too many things in one time we will do something really well. In environment where people are focused and putting the emphasis on this value will spend their time more productively. (ref. ; 19.03.17) Be respectful of confidentiality Set good examples This case study measures my Socio-Cultural competencies in percentage and the graph compares my current competencies vs. my targeted competencies. This case study measures my current competencies vs. targeted competencies. The overview shows what my current competencies are and what my targets of the current competencies are. There are some competencies without any existing knowledge such as Business Law and Due Diligences and Human Resource Management. These competencies I will have to improve and study through the study program more intensely. Next significant gaps I found out in Operations Management, Strategic Information System, Leadership and Change Management, Supply Chain Fundamentals. The proposed professional development program will guide me to complete the study Master of business administration and to improve my knowledge, decrease my identified gaps of socio-cultural competencies and in managerial and technical competencies. Strengths The passion to learn new things and to educate myself. Experienced in problem solving. Very responsible for any commitments and ability to motivate people. Improve my knowledge and decrease the gaps in my Socio-cultural competencies, Managerial and Technical Competencies through the study program Master of business administration Weaknesses Not enough experienced in leadership, above average in self-direction, cultural empathy, creativity and innovation. Not having any work experiences in my profession in Australia. Opportunities Improve my competencies with the study program Master of business administration. Get the opportunity to work in any organisation or institution in purchasing department as a employee or in internship program. Threats Do not have a job in my profession and not improving but losing my professional experiences. My plan to complete the study program Master of business administration in next 12 months and to achieve my targets is following.    Â